
ASME B16.9-2018 试验解析要求(中英文翻译)

  • 分类:行业动态
  • 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
  • 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
  • 发布时间:2022-01-22
  • 访问量:575


ASME B16.9-2018 试验解析要求(中英文翻译)


  • 分类:行业动态
  • 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
  • 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
  • 发布时间:2022-01-22
  • 访问量:575

Table 9.2.1-1 Testing Coverage试验覆盖

Type of Fitting Tested [Note (1)]

测试的管件类型 [ (1)]

Qualifies the Following If the Same Design Thickness Is Used




Short radius elbow [Note (2)] 短半径弯头[(2)]

Short radius, long radius, reducing long radius, or 3D radius elbow 短半径弯头,长半径弯头或 3


Long radius elbow [Note (2)] 长半径弯头[(2)]

Long radius, reducing long radius, or 3D radius elbow 长半径弯头,缩径弯头或 3 倍弯曲半径弯

3D radius elbow [Note (2)] 3 倍弯曲半径弯头[(2)]

3D radius elbow 3 倍弯曲半径弯头

Straight tee 等径三通

Straight or reducing tees of any reduction 等径三通或异径三通(支口任意变径级别)

Reducing tee 异径三通

Reducing tees with the same or more reduction in outlet size 异径三通(支口变径级别相同或支


Straight cross 等径四通

Straight or reducing crosses of any reduction 等径四通或异径四通(支口任意变径级别)

Reducing cross 异径四通

Reducing crosses with the same or more reduction in outlet size 异径四通(支口变径级别相同或


Cap 管帽

Caps of the same configuration 相同类型的管帽

Eccentric reducer [Note (3)] 偏心异径管[(3)]

Eccentric or concentric reducers with the same or lesser included transition angle 偏心异径管或


Concentric reducer [Note (3)] 同心异径管[(3)]

Concentric reducers with the same or lesser included transition angle [Note (4)] 同心异径管


Lap joint stub ends 翻边

Lap joint stub ends are exempt from proof 翻边不需要进行验证性试验


(1)    Paragraph 9.4 applies to as-tested and qualified fittings. 第 9.4 段适用于经测试合格的配件。
(2)    A test of any angle elbow covered in Tables 6.1-1 through 6.1-6 will qualify any other angle.A factory-made segment elbow that has a proof test on a geometrically similar 45-deg or 90-deg elbow need not be tested separately.表 6.1-1 至6.1-6 中所涉及的任何角度弯头进行测试,可以覆盖其他角度。工厂草莓视频在线观看视频的弯管,如果在几何上相似的 45 度或 90 度弯管进行了验证试验,则不需要单独再进行试验。
(3)    Straight conical (no tangent) and bell-shaped reducers are considered different design configurations and require separate testing. 直锥型异径管(无切线)和钟形异径管被认为是不同的设计配置,需要单独测试。
(4)    “Transition angle” is defined as the angle of the conical section and is calculated as the [arc tan (difference of
diameters/twice the length)] for concentric reducers or [arc tan (difference of diameters/length)] for eccentric reducers.
“过渡角”定义为圆锥截面的角度,计算为同心异径管的[arc tan(直径差/长度的两倍))]或偏心异径管的[arc tan (直径差/长度)]。

Table 9.3.1-1 Test Factor, f, Determination试验因子 f 测定    



Number of Tests Performed, or Number of Geometrically Similar Fittings Tested


Test Factor, 试验因子 f

One 一次


Two 两次


Three or more 三次及以上



GENERAL NOTE: Tolerances are equal plus and minus except as noted 通注:公差除注释外为正负偏差。注:
(1)    The inside diameter and the nominal wall thicknesses at ends are to be specified by the purchaser 端部内径和公称壁厚由采购方指定:
(2)    A minimum wall thickness of 87.5% applies unless the purchaser specifies a different wall thickness tolerance. See Figure 8-1, Note (1)(a)除非采购方规定不同的壁厚公差,否则,使用 87.5%作为最小壁厚。见图 8-1,注(1)(a);
(3)    Out-of-round is the sum of absolute values of plus and minus tolerances 圆度为正偏差和负偏差绝对值之和;
(4)    This tolerance may not apply in localized areas of formed fittings where increased wall thickness is required to meet design requirements of para. 2.2。在成型管件的局部,当需要增加壁厚以满足 2.2  条的设计要求时,该项公差不可以使用。
(5)    Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, these tolerances apply to the nominal inside diameter, which equals the difference between the nominal outside diameter and twice the nominal wall thickness.除非采购方另有要求,这些公差适用于公称内径等于公称外径减两倍公称壁厚的场合;
(6)    See Table 6.1-9 for limiting dimensions of outside diameter of barrel.见表 6.1-9 筒体外径尺寸限定。


  • 联系电话- 0317-6689999  6165555 
  • 业务邮箱- 9905791@qq.com
  • 公司地址- 河北省沧州市盐山县城南工业开发区(中原管道南厂)
  • 联系手机-15530461111(微信同步)-孟经理



  • 联系电话- 0317-6689999  6165555 
  • 业务邮箱- 9905791@qq.com
  • 公司地址- 河北省沧州市盐山县城南工业开发区(中原管道南厂)
  • 联系手机-15530461111(微信同步)-孟经理

版权所有:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司    冀ICP备54203990号-6

网站建设:中企动力  石家庄
