JIS G3462是用于锅炉、热交换器和其他高温应用的合金钢管的标准规范
- 分类:国外草莓视频下载色技术与服务
- 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
- 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
- 发布时间:2024-09-28
- 访问量:716
【概要描述】JIS G3462是日本工业标准,涵盖了用于锅炉、热交换器和火焰加热器等高温应用中管内外换热的合金钢管的规格。该标准规定了几种等级的合金钢管,包括STBA12、STBA13、STBA20和STBA22。冷弯工艺制成的U形弯管也符合标准,对弯曲半径和热处理有具体要求。JIS G3462是高温应用中合金钢管制造和使用的重要标准,特别是在需要可靠和高效传热的行业
JIS G3462是用于锅炉、热交换器和其他高温应用的合金钢管的标准规范
【概要描述】JIS G3462是日本工业标准,涵盖了用于锅炉、热交换器和火焰加热器等高温应用中管内外换热的合金钢管的规格。该标准规定了几种等级的合金钢管,包括STBA12、STBA13、STBA20和STBA22。冷弯工艺制成的U形弯管也符合标准,对弯曲半径和热处理有具体要求。JIS G3462是高温应用中合金钢管制造和使用的重要标准,特别是在需要可靠和高效传热的行业
- 分类:国外草莓视频下载色技术与服务
- 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
- 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
- 发布时间:2024-09-28
- 访问量:716
JIS G3462 is a standard specification for alloy steel tubes intended for use in boilers, heat exchangers, and other high-temperature applications.
JIS G3462是用于锅炉、热交换器和其他高温应用的合金钢管的标准规范。
JIS G3462 is a Japanese Industrial Standard that covers the specifications for alloy steel tubes used for exchanging heat on the inside and outside of the tube in high-temperature applications such as boilers, heat exchangers, and fired heaters. The standard specifies several grades of alloy steel tubes, including STBA12, STBA13, STBA20, and STBA22. The U-bend tubes made from cold-bending process also comply with the standard, with specific requirements for bending radius and heat treatment. JIS G3462 is an important standard for the manufacture and use of alloy steel tubes in high-temperature applications, especially in industries that require reliable and efficient heat transfer.
JIS G3462是日本工业标准,涵盖了用于锅炉、热交换器和火焰加热器等高温应用中管内外换热的合金钢管的规格。该标准规定了几种等级的合金钢管,包括STBA12、STBA13、STBA20和STBA22。冷弯工艺制成的U形弯管也符合标准,对弯曲半径和热处理有具体要求。JIS G3462是高温应用中合金钢管制造和使用的重要标准,特别是在需要可靠和高效传热的行业。
This Standard specifies the alloy steel tubes (hereafter referred to as "tubes") used for exchanging heat between the inside and outside of the tube, such as water tubes,smoke tubes, superheater tubes and air preheater tubes of boilers, and heat exchanger tubes, condenser tubes and catalyst tubes used in chemical and petroleum industries.It is not applicable to the steel tubes for heating furnace and steel heat exchanger tubes for low temperature service.
This Standard applies to tubes with an outside diameter of 15.9 mm. to 139.8 mm.本标准适用于外径为15.9mm至139.8mm的管子。
With the preyious agreement of the manufacturer, the purchaser may designate the special quality requirements and designate U-bend tubes to be applied,given in Annex JA and Annex JBA respectively in addition to the requirements specified .in the. text of this Standard.
NOTE: The International Standards corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows:
ISO 9329-2 : 1997 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2 : Unalloyed and alloyed steels with specified eleva ted tempera ture properties ISO 9330-2 : 1997 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2 : Electric resistance and induction welded unalloyed and alloyed steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties (overall evalsuation: MOD)The symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standards and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/lEe Guide 21-1.
ISO 9329-2:1997压力用无缝钢管-技术交付条件-第2部分:具有规定高温性能的非合金钢和合金钢ISO 9330-2:1997.压力用焊接钢管-技术交货条件-第二部分:具有指定高温性能的电阻和感应焊接非合金和合金钢管(总体评价:MOD)根据ISO/lEe指南21-1,表示相关国际标准和JIS内容对应程度的符号是IDT(相同)、MOD(修改)和NEQ(不等效)。
Normative references规范性引用文件
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards (including amendments) indicated below shall be applied.
- JIS G 0320 Standard test method for heat analysis of steel products JIS G 0320钢制品热分析的标准试验方法
- JIS G 0321 Product analysis and its tolerance for wrought steel JIS G 0321锻钢草莓视频下载色分析及其公差
- JIS G 0404 Steel and steel products - General technical delivery requirements JIS G 0404钢和钢制品-一般交货技术要求
- JIS G 0415 Steel and steel products - Inspection documents JIS G 0415钢和钢制品-检验文件
- JIS G 0416 Steel and steel products - locations and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing JIS G 0416钢和钢制品-机械试验用样品和试件的位置和制备
- JIS G 0567 Method of elevated temperature tensile test for steels and heat-resisting alloys JIS G 0567钢和耐热合金的高温拉伸试验方法
- JIS G 0582 Automated ultrasonic examination of steel pipes and tubes JIS G 0582钢管的自动超声波检测
- JIS G 0583 Automated eddy current examination of steel pipes and tubes JIS G 0583钢管涡流自动检测
- JIS Z 2241 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Method of test at room temperature JIS Z 2241金属材料拉伸试验室温试验方法
- JIS Z 2245 Rockwell hardness test - Test method JIS Z 2245洛氏硬度试验试验方法
- JIS Z 8401 Guide to the rounding of numbers JIS Z 8401数字四舍五入指南
Classification and symbols分类和符号
Tubes shall be classified into grades, and the designation of grade and designation of manufacturing method shall be as given in table 1
Table 1 Designation of grade, designation of manufacturing method and marking表1等级名称、制造方法名称和标记
Manufacturing method制造方法
The manufacturing method shall be as follows.制造方法如下。
- Tubes shall be manufactured by a combination of the manufacturing method and finishing method given in table 1
- 管子应采用表1中给出的制造方法和精加工方法相结合的方式制造
(b)The tubes of STBA 12, STBA 13, STBA 20 and STBA 22 shall be manufactured by seamless process or by electric resistance welding process and the tubes of STBA 23, STBA24, STBA 25 and STBA 26 shall be manufactured by seamless process. - STBA 12、STBA 13、STBA 20和STBA 22的管子应采用无缝工艺或电阻焊工艺制造,STBA 23、STBA24、STBA 25和STBA 26的管子应通过无缝工艺制造。
(c)Tubes shall be subjected to the Heat treatment specified in table 22.Other heat treatments not specified in table 2 shall be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. - 管子应进行表22中规定的热处理。表2中未规定的其他热处理应由买方和制造商商定。
(d) Plain end finishing shall be applied to the shape of tube end unless otherwise specified.
(d) 除非另有规定,否则管端形状应采用平端精加工。
Table 2 Heat treatment表2热处理
JIS G3462 specifies the alloy boiler steel tubes used for exchanging heat on the inside and outside of the tube, with 8 steel grades from STBA12-STBA26, it has the similar application as JIS G3461, steel tube of this specification could be supplied as U tube. However, it is not applicable to the steel tubes for heating furnace and those for heat exchangers of low temperature service. For final product, heat treatment of the bent portion is not usually performed.
JIS G3462规定了用于管内外换热的合金锅炉钢管,采用STBA12-STBA26中的8个钢种,其应用与JIS G3461相似,本规范的钢管可以作为U型管供应。然而,它不适用于加热炉和低温换热器的钢管。对于最终草莓视频下载色,通常不进行弯曲部分的热处理。
However, if there is a request from the orderer, agreement on heat treatment. Sunny Steel is an experienced boiler and pressure steel tube supplier which can offer you JIS G3462 steel tube of all grade and dimension range.
但是,如果订购方提出要求,就热处理达成协议。Sunny Steel是一家经验丰富的锅炉和压力钢管供应商,可以为您提供各种等级和尺寸范围的JIS G3462钢管。
Chemical Compositions(%) of JIS G3462 JIS G3462的化学成分(%)
OD refers to the outside diameter. OD是指外径。
The above table is only applicable for heat exchanger alloy steel pipes. The buyer can appoint the upper limit value of tensile strength. The upper limit value of tensile strength is the above shown value plus 147 N/mm2.
上表仅适用于换热器合金钢管。买方可以指定抗拉强度的上限值。抗拉强度的上限值为上述值加147 N/mm2。
For the alloy steel tube with the thickness of less than 8 mm, we use NO.12 sample for tensile test. The minimum elongation will be reduced by 1.5% from the table value when the thickness reduces 1 mm. The value obtained will be rounded to an integer value according to JIS Z 8401 (a rounding method). When we take the electric resistance welded steel pipes for tensile test, we also choose NO.12 sample from the parts not containing welding seams.
对于厚度小于8mm的合金钢管,草莓视频APP下载污使用NO.12样品进行拉伸试验。当厚度减少1mm时,最小伸长率将比表值减少1.5%。根据JIS Z 8401(四舍五入法),将获得的值四舍五舍五入为整数值。当草莓视频APP下载污对电阻焊钢管进行拉伸试验时,草莓视频APP下载污还从不含焊缝的零件中选择了12号样品。
Mechanical proertiesof JIS G3462 JIS G3462的机械性能
Packing: Bare/bundles/crates/crate protection at the both sides of tubes or as per customers’ requirements. 包装:裸装/捆包/板条箱/板条箱保护管两侧或根据客户要求。
Painting: as requested.绘画:按要求。
The tubes shall be manufactured by seamless process, electric resistance welding process, or butt welding process, and those of other grades shall be manufactured by seamless process or electric resistance welding process. The tube shall be as manufactured or as cold-finished condition, or they shall be subjected to appropriate heat treatment.
The tubes shall be practically straight. and the two ends shall be at right angles to the axis of the tube. The tubes shall be free from defects detrimental to practical use.
Higher temperature resistance or capacity corrosion, end up being widely used by petroleum, chemical engineering, boiler, heat exchanger and other power areas. JIS G3462 alloy steel tube is not applicable for heating furnaces and heat exchangers for low temperature service.
耐高温或耐腐蚀能力更强,最终被广泛应用于石油、化工、锅炉、换热器等电力领域。JIS G3462合金钢管不适用于低温环境下的加热炉和热交换器。
Size Array of JIS G3462 Alloy Steel PipeSize Array of JIS G3462 Alloy Steel Pipe
- Outer dimension is from 19.05 mm to 168.3 mm.·外部尺寸为19.05毫米至168.3毫米。
- Wall thickness ranges from three.0 mm to 14 mm.·壁厚范围为3.0毫米至14毫米。
- The particular length of such alloy steel tube is 19000 millimeters.·这种合金钢管的具体长度为19000毫米。
Equivalent steel grade of JIS G3462 JIS G3462的等效钢级
Heat treatment of JIS G3462 JIS G3462的热处理
JIS G3462 regulates the allowable size deviation of alloy steel pipes, but JST advanced rolling technology can effectively lessens the deviation range and inside the dimension of alloy steel tube better. We may also supply other sizes of pipes solution . customers’ requirements, but ought to ensure these alloy steel pipes pursue IS G3462 standards.
JIS G3462规定了合金钢管的允许尺寸偏差,但JST先进的轧制技术可以有效地减小偏差范围,更好地减小合金钢管的内部尺寸。草莓视频APP下载污还可以提供其他尺寸的管道解决方案。客户的要求,但应确保这些合金钢管符合IS G3462标准。
In production process, there always exists flaw, scar, wrinkling, laceration, rolling burr and other defects on alloy steel tube. JST configures UNICORN ultrasonic joint inspection machine, automatic ultrasonic testing equipment, magnetic flux inspection machine and other styles of inspection machines. They can test our alloy steel pipes.
JST also employs professional surface inspectors who’s able to test the inconspicuous defects on the lining and outside surface of alloy steel tubes. As mentioned by the defect characteristics, perform polishing, removal, repair when a series of processes.
JIS G3461 Carbon Steel Pipes Dimensions Tolerance JIS G3461碳钢管尺寸公差
Tolerances of Wall Thickness壁厚公差
Tolerances of Outside Diameter外径公差
Tolerances of Length长度公差
Division |
Tolerance on length |
50 mm or under in |
7 m or under in length |
+0.7 mm |
0 |
Over 7 m in length |
Add 3 mm to the plus side permissible deviation given above for each increase of 3m or its fraction in length. However, the maximum value shall be 15 mm. |
Over 50 mm in |
7 m or under in length |
+10mm |
0 |
Over 7 m in length |
Add 3 mm to the plus side permissible deviation given above for each increase of 3m or its fraction in length. However, the maximum value shall be 15mm. |
JIS G3461 Carbon Steel Pipes Dimensions Tolerance JIS G3461碳钢管尺寸公差
Tolerances of Wall Thickness壁厚公差
Tolerances |
Division of wall |
Division of method of manufacture |
Hot finished seamless steel tube |
Cold finished seamless steel tube |
Electric resistance welded steel tube |
Division of outside diameter (mm) |
Under 100 |
100 or over |
Under 40 |
40 or over |
Under 40 |
40 or over |
Tolerances on wall thickness % |
Under 2 |
--- |
--- |
+0.4mm |
+22 |
+0.3 |
+18 |
0 |
0 |
2 or over to and excl. 2.4 |
+40 |
--- |
+20 |
+18 |
0 |
2.4 or over to or excl. 3.8 |
+35 |
+35 |
0 |
0 |
3.8 or over to or excl. 4.6 |
+33 |
+33 |
0 |
0 |
4.6 or over |
+28 |
+28 |
0 |
0 |
Tolerances on |
--- |
Within 22.8 of wall thickness |
--- |
--- |
Tolerances of Outside Diameter外径公差
Division of outside diameter |
Tolerances on outside diamete |
Hot finished seamless steel tube |
Cold finished seamless steel tube |
Electric resistance welded steel tube other than cold finished |
Cold finished electric resistance welded steel tube |
Under 25 |
+0.4 |
【0.10 |
【1.5 |
【0.10 |
25 or over to and excl. 40 |
【0.15 |
【0.20 |
【0.15 |
40or over to and excl. 50 |
【0.20 |
【0.25 |
【0.20 |
50 or over to and excl 60 |
【0.25 |
【0.30 |
【0.25 |
60 or over to and excl. 80 |
【0.30 |
【0.40 |
【0.30 |
80 or over to and excl. 100 |
【0.40 |
+0.40 |
【0.40 |
-0.60 |
100 or over to and excl.12 |
+0.4 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
-0.60 |
120 or over to and excl.160 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
-0.80 |
160 or over to and excl.200 |
+0.4 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
-1.8 |
-1.20 |
-1.20 |
-1.20 |
200 or over |
+0.4 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
+0.40 |
-2.4 |
-1.60 |
-1.60 |
-1.60 |
Tolerances of Length长度公差
Division |
Tolerance on length |
50 mm or under in |
7 m or under in length |
+0.7 mm |
0 |
Over 7 m in length |
Add 3 mm to the plus side permissible deviation given above for each increase of 3m or its fraction in length. However, the maximum value shall be 15 mm. |
Over 50 mm in |
7 m or under in length |
+10mm |
0 |
Over 7 m in length |
Add 3 mm to the plus side permissible deviation given above for each increase of 3m or its fraction in length. However, the maximum value shall be 15mm. |
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- 联系电话- 0317-6689999 6165555
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- 公司地址- 河北省沧州市盐山县城南工业开发区(中原管道南厂)
- 联系手机-15530461111(微信同步)-孟经理
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