ASME B16.28适用于锻造碳钢和合金钢对接焊接短半径弯头和回流管
- 分类:国外草莓视频下载色技术与服务
- 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
- 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
- 发布时间:2024-09-28
- 访问量:588
【概要描述】ASME B16.28是一个标准,规定了对接焊接短半径弯头和回流管的制造和安装要求。这些配件通常用于管道系统中以改变流向,通常由碳钢、不锈钢或其他合金材料制成。
ASME B16.28适用于锻造碳钢和合金钢对接焊接短半径弯头和回流管
【概要描述】ASME B16.28是一个标准,规定了对接焊接短半径弯头和回流管的制造和安装要求。这些配件通常用于管道系统中以改变流向,通常由碳钢、不锈钢或其他合金材料制成。
- 分类:国外草莓视频下载色技术与服务
- 作者:草莓视频APP下载污管道
- 来源:河北草莓视频APP下载污管道有限公司
- 发布时间:2024-09-28
- 访问量:588
ASME B16.28 for wrought carbon and alloy steel buttwelding short radius elbows and returns.
ASME B16.28适用于锻造碳钢和合金钢对接焊接短半径弯头和回流管。
ASME B16.28 is a standard that provides the requirements for the fabrication and installation of butt-welded short radius elbows and returns. These fittings are commonly used in piping systems to change the direction of flow and are typically manufactured from carbon steel, stainless steel, or other alloy materials.
ASME B16.28是一个标准,规定了对接焊接短半径弯头和回流管的制造和安装要求。这些配件通常用于管道系统中以改变流向,通常由碳钢、不锈钢或其他合金材料制成。
The application of ASME B16.28 is in industries that involve the transportation of fluids or gases such as oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, and water treatment. These fittings are designed to withstand high pressure and temperature variations, making them suitable for use in a wide range of applications. The standard provides guidelines on the dimensions, tolerances, materials, and testing requirements for the manufacture and installation of short radius elbows and returns, ensuring their safe and effective use in piping systems.
ASME B16.28适用于涉及流体或气体运输的行业,如石油和天然气、化学加工、发电和水处理。这些配件设计用于承受高压和温度变化,使其适用于各种应用。该标准为短半径弯头和回流管的制造和安装提供了尺寸、公差、材料和测试要求的指导,确保其在管道系统中的安全有效使用。
The term wrought denotes fittings made of pipe, tubing, plate, or forgings.
Fabricated Fittings
Fabricated fittings employing intersection welds are not covered by this Standard. Design of such fittings is covered in the ASME B31, Code for Pressure Piping or the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
本标准不包括采用交叉焊缝的预制配件。此类配件的设计涵盖在ASME B31《压力管道规范》或ASME《锅炉和压力容器规范》中。
Referenced Standards. Standards and specifications adopted by reference in this Standard are shown in Annex B, which is part of this Standard. It is not considered practical to identify the specific edition of each standard and specification in the individual references. Instead the specific edition reference is identified in Annex B. A product made in conformance with a prior edition of reference standards and in all other respects conforming to this Standard will be considered to be in conformance.
Codes and Regulations. A fitting used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, or a governmental regulation is subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation or rule governing the use of a material at low temperature.
Service Conditions使用条件
Criteria for selection of fitting types and materials suitable for particular fluid service are not within the scope of this Standard.
Installation welding requirements are outside the scope of this Standard. Installation welding shall be done in accordance with the applicable piping code or regulation covering the piping system into which the fittings are installed.
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