What is Butt Joint Welding?
A butt weld is a type of weld where the ‘butt end’ of the workpiece (pipes or tubes in our business) is welded to another in the same plane circumferentially. Butt welding is the most common type of joint that is used in piping systems. This type of welding is commonly used for pipe joints that do not require assembly or replacement, such as long-distance or underground pipelines.
A butt weld is a simple and versatile design of a welded joint. The butt weld is formed by simply inserting two pieces of metal next to each other and then welding along the weld seam. It is critical that in a butt weld, the surfaces of the workpieces are joined in the same plane and the weld metal remains within the places of the surfaces. The workpieces are therefore almost aligned and do not overlap, in contrast to overlap joints, for example.
Due to its simplicity, butt welding is the most widely used joining technique for a large number of applications in various industrial sectors. This fundamental welding technique has a number of different welding formations that are suitable for different welding thicknesses.
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