Introduction 介绍
The aim of this document is to establish common test methods for quality control of microstructure of
ferritic/austenitic(duplex)stainless steels for the oil and gas industry,enabling the manufacturers to apply the same test procedures for their clients.
本文件旨在为石油和天然气行业的铁素体/奥氏体(双相)不锈钢的微观结构质量控制制定通用测试方法,使制造商能 够为其客户应用相同的测试程序。
Duplex stainless steels have a dual phase microstructure consisting of ferrite and austenite.Ideally,these
phases are present in equal proportions;although in alloys which are commercially available,the ferrite
phase volume fraction can vary between 35%and 65%for products in the solution annealed condition.
They are characterized by high-chromium(19%to 33%)and low-nickel contents compared with austenitic stainless steels.
双相不锈钢具有由铁素体和奥氏体组成的双相微观结构。理想情况下,这些相以相等的比例存在;尽管在可商购的合金 中,对于处于固溶退火条件下的草莓视频下载色,铁氧体相体积分数可以在35%和65%之间变化。与奥氏体不锈钢相比,它们具有 高铬(19%至33%)和低镍含量的特点。
Duplex stainless steels are prone to precipitation of intermetallic phases,carbides and/or nitrides possibly causing embrittlement and reduced corrosion resistance.The formation of intermetallic phases such as
Sigma,σ,and Chi,x,occurs depending on exposure time in the approximate temperature range 590℃to 1 000℃(1094°F to 1832°F)and decomposition of ferrite to Alpha Prime occurs in the range 300℃to
540℃(572°F to 1004°F).
双相不锈钢易于析出金属间相、碳化物和/或氮化物,可能导致脆化和耐腐蚀性降低。金属间相(如Sigma,σ和Chi、x) 的形成取决于暴露时间,大约温度范围为590℃至1000℃(1094°F至1832°F), 铁氧体分解为a Prime 发生在300℃至 540℃(572°F至1004°F)。
The microstructure of components or fabrication welds is affected by amongst others the thermal-
mechanical history associated with hot working,solution annealing and with subsequent forming and
welding.The destructive test methods with acceptance criteria specified herein are considered relevant to verify that exposure time at above stated temperature ranges have been within acceptable limits and to ensure that desired corrosion resistance and mechanical properties are obtained in final products.
部件或制造焊缝的微观结构尤其受到与热加工、固溶退火以及随后的成形和焊接相关的热机械历史的影响。本文规定的 具有验收标准的破坏性试验方法被认为是相关的,以验证在上述温度范围下的暴露时间是否在可接受的范围内,并确保 最终草莓视频下载色获得所需的耐腐蚀性和机械性能。
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